Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hello to all,

After leaving our RV in Middlebury, IN for a few minor repairs,
we have arrived back in NY for a short visit with our friends and family.

We just left Ann Arbor, MI where we visited with some of Bill's family. We got to meet cousins that he has not seen in about 34 years. It was very nice. Aunt Dee is a super great cook.

We had a lot of fun while there. Took a tour of the Ford Rouge Factory where the F150 is assembled. It was cool to see trucks actually being manufactured.

We also visited the Henry Ford Museum. They have the limo there that Kennedy was shot in, along with the famous Lamy Diner. Bill loved that!

After a brief visit here in NY, we will be headed to KY to visit with one of my cousins that I haven't seen since I was a teenager. I'm very excited to see them.

Stay tuned for more Blogs........

Love to you all,

Penny & Bill

Uncle Tom, Aunt Dee and Bill

Uncle Tom

The Singelyn Family and Bill Lamy

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