Friday, March 4, 2011

Hello to all,

Well, we are on the road again. Time to start in on the blog again.
We have arrived in Denham Springs, LA after several months of wonderful weather in Florida.

We met a lot of very nice people in Florida that we are proud to call friends. There are several pictures of them in this blog. We enjoyed things like poker, craft hour, happy hour, beach time, dinners and shopping with them all.

They threw a party for us the day before we left, but we ended up missing most of it because I fell and visited Urgent Care that day. They had fun anyway! :) They also gave us a wonderful send-off the morning we left. Thanks to one and all for the wonderful times.

As many of you may know we made the very hard decision to give Mia to a new family. She is very happy with Nancy & Bob. She will have a wonderful life with them and will live in Ohio in the summer and Florida in the winter. They love her very much. We will see her again next fall when we return to Florida. Thank you all very much for your help in placing her in her new home.

As we travel our hearts are in NY with my Step-Father Tom. He has put up a fight for life that I have never seen in anyone. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for him. He needs them all as well as does Mom. Tom's failing health has taken its toll on her as well.

Brandon will be visiting us here in Louisiana for spring break. We are very much looking forward to seeing him again.

We love and miss you all.
Stay tuned for more Blog......

Penny & Bill

United State's Smallest Post Office

United State's Smallest Post Office

Alligators in the Everglades



Bill and Dan - Greenbay Packers Won the Superbowl

Horseshoe Crab at the Beach

Dan & Linda at the Beach

Bowditch park

Tortoises at the Beach

Tortoise on the Beach

Bridget, Bob and Bill on the Beach

Manatees @ Manatee Park


Tug Boat

Pirate Boat on Ft. Myers Beach

Casino Boat on Ft. Myers Beach


Pam and Linda on Movie Night

Pam and Linda on Movie Night

Florida Pelican

Bill in the Spray Pool

Happy Hour Watching Jerry's Garden Grow!

Happy Hour

Happy Hour

Happy Hour

Bob, Waldo, Jerry and Bill


Girlfriends, Vyrlene, Pat and Pam

Craft Hour Gang

Mia's New Family


Anonymous said...

Love the update. You sure are a party animal. Look at all of your new friends. I am glad you are meeting lots of new people. Don't forget us NYers.

Miss you, Jo

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys--We miss you lots, but hope you are havin' fun there--know you will enjoy having Brandon.
Penny, how is your ankle doing?
Things are still active here-HH, cornhole, St.Patrick's dinner, and the boat trip on Friday.

janet and waldo

TAYTAY said...

Dear Aunt Penny,
Thank you for the post cards you sent us we love them. Cindy and i have started lax and conor made jv golf. WE miss you very much and hope you are injoying your stay in LA.

TayTay and Family