Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello to all,

First, let me say that I'm sorry this blog has taken me sooo long to post!

Brandon visited us over the holidays. While he was here he got sick...followed by me, myself getting sick...followed by Bill getting sick. Both Brandon and Bill are well and I'm still fighting it!

While Brandon was visiting we traveled to Orlando, FL. We went to Disney, SeaWorld and to the Ice Show at the Gaylord Palms Hotel where we stayed.

After returning from Orlando we spent several days doing fun things around the Fort Myers area. Brandon and Bill went to the Everglades to take an air boat ride. We did get to the Beach on Christmas day but the weather was on the cool side while Brandon was visiting.

The weather has been for the most part above average here. We have had many days above or around 80. But, we have had our share of cold weather as well with the temperature several nights dipping below freezing.

Bill and I are both enjoying some time relaxing. I'm working on learning to quilt and doing lots of reading. Bill is doing his usual working or, should I say, playing on the computer.

Our friends Dan and Linda from WI are here on the site next to us and we have met many wonderful new friends since arriving here. We are very much enjoying our time here in Florida.

Our friends and family, we miss you all and don't hear from very many of you. Feel free to call us or even send us a message on FB or e-mail...and please let us know who you are when you leave a comment on our blog.

Stay tuned for more Blog........

Penny & Bill

Sweet Baby Dolphins




Brandon and Winnie The Pooh

Brandon and Eeyore

Brandon at Planet Hollywood

Planet Hollywood


Where the hell are we?

The Gaylord Palms Hotel Inside and Out

Pool/Hot Tub Area

Sunset Sam's Fish Camp Restaurant

Banana Tree


Brandon with Mia

Dolphin Sightseeing Cruise

Bill and Brandon on an Air Boat Ride in the Everglades

Alligators along the road

Brandon and Mrs. Sherman (His First Grade Teacher)


Anonymous said...

Awesome photos! First prize goes to Brandon and Mia in front of the Christmas tree. LOve you guys! Bridget

Anonymous said...

I vote for Brandon and Mrs. Sherman...and I like the Dukes of Hazard t-shirt. Some good stuff. Hope everyone is feeling better by now. It's a frozen tundra up here, but there is fun to be had. The winter will be over before we know it and we will be enjoying some warm weather outselves. You have to be an optimist to survive in this part of the country. You guys take care.



Anonymous said...

Penny, I found your new blog. I love the photo of Brandon and Mia.
All are very nice.

Miss you, JO

P.S. I'm fighting off being sick too. Isn't it the pits?!!!!